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Partnerships and Pathways to Economic Opportunity for Survivors of Trafficking: A Guide

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2022

This guide presents an overview of the need for and development of effective collaborations for achieving the safety, economic stability, and healing of survivors of human trafficking.


The guide takes the reader through the process of forming a collaboration and partnership between victim service agencies  and workforce development or education programs; and it presents relevant examples, cases, and resources that have proven effective in providing collaborative services for survivors of human trafficking. The first chapter features opportunities to align common goals and values of victim services and workforce-development fields as the basis for collaboration. The second chapter defines and reviews the components and resources of the workforce development system. The third chapter suggests ways to find a workforce partner that is well-positioned to provide supportive services to survivors of human trafficking. The fourth chapter reviews the components of supported employment and wrap-around services required for enrollment in a workforce or education program. The fifth chapter identifies shared values and necessary features for the creation and maintenance of effective collaborations that benefit human trafficking survivors. The sixth chapter identifies and profiles key features of an effort to identify potential small businesses as partners in developing employment training programs. The seventh and final suggests sources of funding to help sustain partnerships over the long term in providing economic opportunities for survivors of human trafficking.