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Participation of the Public and Victims for More Fair and Effective Criminal Justice Administration (From Resource Material Series No. 56, P 224-240, 2000, Hiroshi Iitsuka and Rebecca Findlay-Debeck, eds. -- See NCJ-191475)

NCJ Number
Ghazali Bin Hj. Md. Amin
Date Published
December 2000
17 pages
This paper examines the participation of the public and crime victims in the administration of criminal justice in Malaysia.
Police constitute an integral component of the criminal justice system in Malaysia. Objective and effective police work is viewed as the safeguard against miscarriages of justice in Malaysia. Public involvement in crime prevention efforts is crucial, and an increasing number of community-based organizations in Malaysia are now taking action or looking for ways they can become involved in crime prevention programs. Some participate in programs such as Neighborhood Watch. Others are creating new programs designed to address specific situations in their community. Community policing activities include the enhancement of public awareness of crime prevention. In this regard, this paper describes the work of the Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation. Two of its current projects are the implementation of a crime-fighting tactic known as the Central Monitoring System, which allows the public to become involved in countering burglaries, and the Safe City Concept, which focuses on deterring people from embarking on a life of crime. A section of the paper focuses on public participation and cooperation in criminal justice processes, with attention to investigation, prosecution, the judiciary, the juvenile court, the legal aid scheme, and conflict resolution. Public participation and cooperation in the treatment of offenders is also discussed, along with assistance to victims and victim participation in the criminal justice process.