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Parole Supervision Management Information System Series - First Year Applications

NCJ Number
G Markley
Date Published
46 pages
This outline of the uses of the Texas parole supervision management information system (MIS) during its first year of operation (March 1984-March 1985) focuses on its use in planning, monitoring, evaluation, and accountability.
The MIS is designed to be fully integrated with case classification, workload, and case management components of the system recommended by the National Institute of Corrections as a model for probation and parole systems. The MIS consists of several automated reports and a supervision data base with 70,000 individual case records. In planning, the MIS has been used with specialized supervision projects, the parolee employment program, and resource development. In specialized supervision projects, MIS data were used to identify the potential regional distribution of sex offenders and mentally retarded offenders. MIS information prompted the development of a special employment program for parolees, and MIS reports have helped identify client problems for which no community resources exist. In monitoring, the MIS has flagged cases which require special attention and provided reports that facilitate comparing supervision functions. Management audits also rely heavily on MIS reports. Case classification and workload data have provided the methodology for evaluating the impact of various supervision types for specific problems. MIS has enhanced accountability in the areas of budget justification, supervision outcome, and cost-effectiveness. Graphic and tabular data and sample computer printouts.