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Parole-Related Community Programs - A Review of Six Programs

NCJ Number
C Mahabir; J L Galvin
Date Published
46 pages
Descriptive profiles of six parole-related community programs are provided.

The format for each profile consists of theoretical assumptions, intervention activities, organization, evaluation design and findings, implementation difficulties, and results. The Transitional Employment Opportunity Program of the New Mexico Department of Corrections was designed to facilitate the gradual transition of participants from prison into society through vocational training in their home communities. Peralta Service Corporation, located in Oakland, Calif., operates one of the Supported Work programs in the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation's National Supported Work Demonstration Project. The program offers participants a job, the opportunity to perform effectively in the job, and the capability to secure permanent employment in the unsubsidized labor market upon departure from the program. The Women's Education, Preparation, and Training Program is a small 'classroom training' program for female ex-offenders in Oakland, Calif. The program's main service is classroom training designed to help participants obtain and maintain employment. Pennsylvania and California have a Human Services Aides program that provides for the employment of parolees as paraprofessionals in the State civil service, and Project Start is a career development program for ex-felons begun in 1977 by the Federal Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Project Advocate, begun by the Connecticut Department of Corrections in 1978, provides free legal assistance to ex-offenders through volunteer attorneys. A list of Project Start contacts by Federal regions is appended, and 12 footnotes and 4 references are provided.