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Parole: A Question of Readiness

NCJ Number
Date Published
12 pages
This description of Canada's parole policy covers parole philosophy, conditional release, parole and public safety, life on the outside, revocation, costs, and myths and facts about parole.
Basic parole principles are to protect the public, promote law-abiding behavior, reduce the costs of unnecessary imprisonment, and safeguard the precepts that underlie the administration of justice. In describing conditional release, the booklet focuses on the nature of 'day' parole, 'full' parole, mandatory supervision, a temporary absence, an escorted temporary absence, and an unescorted temporary absence. In reviewing considerations of public safety in parole decisionmaking, steps in the parole board's investigation of the inmate are described. After discussing various parole conditions, the booklet specifies the circumstances under which parole may be suspended or revoked. Statistics presented indicate that approximately 70 percent of parolees complete their sentence in the community. Statistics for day parole and temporary absence are even more favorable. The total annual cost of supervising an offender on conditional release is about 10 percent of the cost of full incarceration.