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NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages
This booklet identifies family and parental factors that contribute to child abuse, including incest, and suggests ways of addressing child abuse within the family.
One factor that contributes to child abuse within the family is a prevalent societal attitude that physical force and punishment are required to discipline and control children. Violence against children who misbehave is viewed by many as more acceptable than violence against adults who do not behave properly. Society must revise its general principles of parenting to encompass new techniques of discipline and child management that exclude the use of physical force. A review of myths about child abuse undermines the following beliefs: abusive parents don't love their children; abused children want to escape from their parents; removing the child from the home solves the problem; once an abuser always an abuser; fathers are more likely to be the abusive parent; and harsh jail sentences would stop abuse. In profiling the abusive parent, the booklet notes that the parent who is not prepared physically, emotionally, and financially to be a parent is the one most likely to become abusive. Some abusive behavior can be remedied by teaching parenting skills. Research indicates that families under stress are likely to abuse their children. Personality characteristics of abusing parents are listed, as are parental behavioral indicators of abuse. The booklet advises that intervention on behalf of an abused child must encompass total family treatment, including the abusing parent, the passive spouse, and any nonabused children. Parents Anonymous and public agencies are profiled in their efforts to counter child abuse. Organizational resources are listed.


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