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Parents' Check List for the Prevention of Child Abuse

NCJ Number
E D Drake; A G Nelson
Date Published
17 pages
This booklet provides a checklist for parents designed to help them adopt nonabusive and nurturing behaviors toward their children.
A checklist to prevent neglect includes advice on instructing children in things that are not safe, eliminating dangers in the household, changing a baby's diapers often, not leaving children alone or in the care of other kids, and managing what children eat. A checklist for preventing physical abuse advises getting away from the kids when a parent is experiencing too much anger, managing anger in a constructive way, talking with others about anger, taking time for yourself, and talking with other parents about how they obtain relief from the stress of child rearing. A checklist for managing stress covers how to deal with a child's crying, rulemaking, discipline without spanking, and letting kids learn by trying. A checklist for preventing emotional abuse advises parents on praising and nurturing children rather than demeaning and degrading them. Parents are instructed in how to teach their children about avoiding sexual abuse by others and how to recognize if a child has been sexually abused. Other sections of the book instruct parents in how to express tender, loving care; the nature of child abuse laws; and how to obtain help in becoming a more nurturing parent.