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Parenting Skills: 21 Tips and Ideas To Help You Make a Difference

NCJ Number
Date Published
2 pages
This pocket brochure provides tips to parents on the types of parenting skills that best guide their children away from drug use.
Parents are first advised to become involved in their children's lives. This consists of establishing "together time," getting to know the kids with whom your children associate, keeping track of where and how children spend their leisure time, being available to children after school, and eating together often. Other tips are related to communication between parent and child. This involves parents making clear to their kids that they are not to use drugs, asking and encouraging questions, giving honest answers, using TV reports, not reacting in a way that cuts off further communication, and role playing with a child about ways to refuse drugs in various situations. Parents are also encouraged to "walk the walk," i.e., be a role model by showing compassion, honesty, generosity, and openness, as well as not abusing drugs themselves. Parents should also encourage children to resist drug use by offering praise and rewards for positive behaviors. This involves emphasizing the positive behaviors of children rather than their negative behaviors. Finally, parents should set limits on their children's behavior. This involves creating rules and specifying the consequences for breaking them, setting and enforcing a curfew, having children check in at regular times, calling parents whose home is to be used for a party, making it easy to leave a party where drugs are being used, and listening to an instinct that tells them something is wrong.