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Parent Aides in Child Abuse and Neglect Programs

NCJ Number
C D Gifford; F B Kaplan; M K Salus
Date Published
86 pages
Designed for use by child protective services (CPS) personnel, the manual provides specific guidelines for developing and implementing a parent aide program in the child abuse and neglect service delivery system.

An introductory discussion of the parent aide program identifies its primary goal as helping the abusive and neglectful parents change their unhealthy pattern of behavior toward their children to one which will enable them to live as a functioning family unit. Subsidiary goals; program objectives; and the roles and responsibilities of the parent aide program director, the CPS worker, and the parent aides are also elaborated. The parent aide-client relationship is traced through the developmental, transition, partial dependency, independence, and termination stages. Specific steps in developing a parent aide program are briefly outlined, and consideration is given to difficulties which may be encountered in setting up the program. The implementation process is more fully discussed, with specific suggestions for recruitment, screening, and referral of parent aides; for matching client families with parent aides; and for training CPS staff. The manual describes a training program for parent aides which includes instruction in the dynamics of child abuse and neglect and of marriage and family life, the emotional and physical development of the child, and the development of good communication skills necessary to maintain an effective client-aide relationship. Methods of supervising parent aides and evaluating program effectiveness are also considered. Sample application forms, a list of regional child abuse and neglect resource centers, evaluation procedures, and sample handouts are appended. Sample questionnaires, flow charts, 15 references, and other information are included.