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Parent-Administered Safety Surveillance Network for Juvenile Sexual Offenders

NCJ Number
Reaching Today's Youth Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Dated: Spring 1999 Pages: 34-37
Sue L. Smith; Anna Huckeba
Date Published
4 pages
This community-based surveillance program for juvenile sex offenders, operated by the Georgia Parent Support Network, organizes and monitors continuous supervision for young people by family and community members, includes appropriate treatment, and provides crisis intervention, all the while allowing young people to remain with their families and in their homes, schools, and communities.
The Safety Surveillance Network (SSN) program includes five components: (1) initial meetings with stakeholders; (2) individual plan for continuous supervision; (3) individual plan for appropriate treatment and therapy; (4) crisis intervention; and (5) progression toward independence. The basic concept of the SSN program is relatively straightforward--staff commitment to obtain whatever is necessary to ensure a family's success and to enable young people to remain in their communities. Program implementation challenges are considered.