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Paradigm for the Delivery of Mental Health Services in Prisons

NCJ Number
J A Dvoskin; R Powitzky
Date Published
14 pages
A model for the implementation of mental health programs and services in correctional settings is described.
Of particular importance are decisions regarding issues of funding, control, ownership, providers of the services, and place of service delivery as well as accreditation and evaluation of service delivery. Policy on release of information, patient confidentiality, transfer to inpatient settings, eligibility for services, and types of services offered also need to be considered. Application of a community mental health model must take into account the societal, historical, cultural, and organizational variables unique to prisons. Components of mental health services in prisons should include screening and assessment, treatment services and programs for seriously disordered offenders, services to help adjustment to incarceration, and personal development programs for inmates. Provision of effective mental health treatment programs and smooth management of the prisons training programs and services for prison staff should also be included in the program.