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Overview of Suicide, 1979

NCJ Number
American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1980) Pages: 23-27
B L Danto
Date Published
5 pages
This article discusses the many changes taking place and the new directions being developed in suicidology since its inception in the late 1950's.
Among the changes noted is the drop in the age range of suicidal persons from over 50 to between 20 and 40 years and the increase of suicide among women who are using more violent methods of killing themselves. Furthermore, children between 10 and 19 have also become a high-risk suicide group. Implications and reasons for these trends are discussed, as well as for suicide rates among minorities -particularly American Indians and blacks. The activities of suicide prevention centers are reviewed, and some of the experiences of the Detroit Suicide Prevention and Drug Information Center are reported. There is discussion of the psychiatrist's role in support of some aspects of law enforcement activities including crisis intervention techniques. Activities of the American Association of Suicidology and the International Association for Suicide Prevention are mentioned. Footnotes are provided. (Author abstract modified)


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