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Overview of Privatization in Juvenile Corrections

NCJ Number
Date Published
27 pages
Although the historical precedent for privatization of juvenile corrections exists, recent years have seen the development of a new debate centering on the private delivery of total juvenile facility management and operation.
Federal policy regarding private sector provision of social services traditionally offered by State and local governments is found in Office of Management and Budget Circular A76. Policy goals relate to achieving economy, enhancing productivity, retaining certain government functions in-house, and relying on the commercial sector for certain products and services. Issues in privatization concern legal authority, whether private provision of public services is proper, service quality, accountability, liability, rights and due process, security and safety, economic efficiency, job security for public employees, the political environment, and community attitudes. State officials must examine all issues involved in the privatization of juvenile services and facilities. Procedures involved in privatization are described, including proposal development, contract development, and contract monitoring and evaluation.