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Overview of the Measures to Combat Economic Crime Including Money Laundering in the Context of Nepal (From Resource Material Series, No. 67, 216-223, 2005 -- NCJ-214096)

NCJ Number
Suryanath Prakash Adhikari
Date Published
December 2005
8 pages
This paper highlights measures implemented to combat economic crime, including money laundering in Nepal.
Even though legislation dealing with economic crimes has been enacted in Nepal, it is inadequate to cope with the complexity of the problems that have arisen by the globalization of economic activities, facilitated by modern technology. There is a need to update and revamp most of the legislation. In addition, there are areas where no law exists, such as the case for money laundering. Separate legislation targeted in the fight against money laundering is necessary. Also, the ratio of convictions for economic crime is not satisfactory. This paper discusses various economic crimes in Nepal, specifically corruption, fraud, tax evasion, counterfeiting, trafficking of human beings, drug trafficking, and money laundering and the measures undertaken, through legislation to combat these economic crimes.

Sale Source
United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders

26-1 Harumi-Cho, Fuchu, Tokyo Japan,, Japan

Publication Format
Book Chapter
Publication Type
Issue Overview