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Overdose Fatality Review Data System User Guide

NCJ Number
Date Published
November 2020
2 pages
The goal of this user guide is to assist Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) teams in understanding how to access, use, and evaluate the OFR Data System, Version 1.0.
As a nationally recognized model, OFR is being used by an increasing number of communities to strengthen their response to the opioid overdose epidemic by collecting and analyzing key information in opioid overdose cases. In August 2019, the Bureau of Justice Assistance of the U.S. Justice Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention partnered with the Institute for Intergovernmental Research to develop an OFR Data System, in consultation with epidemiologists, researchers, and local OFR practice professionals. This User Guide outlines the three linked OFR data Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) projects, evaluation of Version 1.0, the required software, and how OFR sites can access the OFR Data System, Version 1.0. Online access is also provided to related instructional videos.