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For Over 30 Years A Cut Above: Maryland State Police Aviation

NCJ Number
Trooper Dated: Fall 2001 Pages: 61-67
Miles Turner Iii
Date Published
7 pages
This article examines the history and operation of Maryland State Police Aviation.
The aviation section of the Maryland State Police started in 1954 with one two-seat radio-equipped fixed wing aircraft. The actual Aviation Division was created in 1961 and was limited to law enforcement and search and rescue missions. In March 1970 Maryland State Police transported their first patient via helicopter. The fleet now consists of 12 helicopters operating out of 8 fixed base points throughout the State. Maryland's Aeromedical, Search and Rescue, and Law Enforcement helicopter program is seen as a model for agencies around the world. In 1999, the Aviation Division completed 8,794 missions, the majority of which were aeromedical evacuations. The Division transported 5,374 patients, expending a total of 4,567 flight hours. Maryland pays for Division activities from a special fund created by the State legislature, augmented by $5.00 of the $8.00 levy on each vehicle registered in the State. Nearly all maintenance is done at the Aviation Headquarters at Martins State Airport, located east of Baltimore, Maryland.


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