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Outcomes in Children's Residential Treatment Centers: A National Survey 2010

NCJ Number
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth Volume: 30 Issue: 2 Dated: April - June 2013 Pages: 93-118
Neal Sternberg, Mscja; Ronald W. Thompson, Ph.D.; Gail Smith, B.S.; Steven Klee, Ph.D.; Lisa Cubellis, M.ed.; Jay Davidowitz, Ph.D.; Jenny Muirhead, M.A.; Amy Strickler, M.S.; Dustin L. Tibbitts, Lmft; Mathew Smith, M.b.a., L.m.s.w.; Dawn R. Triplett, M.p.a.; Mike Petree, M.c.p.; Elizabeth Schnur, Ph.D.
Date Published
May 2013
26 pages
This 2010 study examined how agencies have adapted as well as what was new in the residential treatment environment.
In 2010 the Research Committee for the American Association of Children's Residential Centers (AACRC) embarked upon a project to repeat the survey that was originally sent out in 1999, hoping to learn how agencies have adapted as well as what was new in the residential treatment environment. The committee was interested in population changes, length of stay, diagnosis, gender, and race, and whether there had been changes in sources of funding and services funded. The committee was particularly interested in the role of data collection and analysis, and how agencies use data to improve process and evaluate outcomes. The growth and sustainability of residential treatment as a viable service option may depend upon the field's willingness to track results, partner with families and the youth they serve, and to make themselves accountable to all stakeholders in the children's services system. Abstract published by arrangement with Taylor and Francis.