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Organized Crime Drug Enforcement - Hearing Before the Senate Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, Special Hearing - Department of Justice, December 9, 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
49 pages
William French Smith, the U.S. Attorney General, and other officials from the Department of Justice (DOJ) testified on the DOJ request for an additional $130 million in 1983 funds for a new and consolidated Federal law enforcement effort to combat organized crime drug trafficking.
The Attorney General surveyed violence caused by the drug problem in the United States, the involvement of organized crime in drug trafficking, and the corruption of public officials by drug money. He also described the Administration's efforts to combat these problems by reorganizing the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), bringing the FBI into drug investigations, and organizing the interagency South Florida Task Force. Components of the new program were identified, including creation of 12 task forces throughout the country, a presidential Organized Crime Commission, increased interagency cooperation, more training for local law enforcement agents, and legislative reforms. A deputy attorney general discussed the relationship of the $130 million request to other budget items and other amendments submitted by the Administration for the DOJ. Committee members questioned the Administration's commitment to reducing crime in view of budget cuts in the FBI, Customs Service, DEA, and other law enforcement programs and asked about the DOJ's perception of relationships between the proposed task forces and State and local law enforcement agencies. Senator Hollings argued that the success of the South Florida Task Force was due largely to local rather than Federal efforts. Questions submitted to the DOJ subsequent to the hearing and its responses are included.