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Organizational and Community Responses to Domestic Abuse and Homelessness

NCJ Number
M Bard
Date Published
184 pages
This book is compiled from data obtained through interviews with abused and homeless women, as well as the personal experiences of the author.
The methodology employed here combines qualitative and quantitative data, flexible and patient fieldwork and an academic background in recognizing presuppositions, assumptions, and cultural biases and developing working hypotheses. Based on 18 years of discussions with abused and homeless women, this book tests several hypotheses: that there is a relationship between domestic abuse and the emerging population of homeless women, that people tell stories which become antecedents to action, that the telling of personal experiences is an effective intervention strategy in organizational crisis, that narrating is an important form of interorganizational networking, and that storytelling plays an significant role in transorganizational development. 2 exhibits and 155 references