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Order of the Pen and Sword - Mythologies of Parole

NCJ Number
D Stanley
Date Published
0 pages
Dr. David Stanley discusses 10 myths of parole, based on field research in 6 jurisdictions (the Federal Government and 5 States) and on his experience as a community volunteer in the parole services area.
He argues that, contrary to the popular myth, parole boards are not representative of the general public but only of themselves; they reflect the values and attitudes of the correctional establishment. He refutes the contention that parole boards can predict when offenders are ready to be released, indicating that boards can only add up predictive factors. It also is not true that prison behavior and activities predict an offender's behavior after release, since prisoners have few opportunities in prison to display their capabilities and talents. Furthermore, parole release hearings are set up only to ensure that persons are heard; otherwise they are insufficient at best and travesties at worst. In addition, research-based guidelines for parole release assure more reliable decisions but not necessarily more valid ones with regard to the future behavior of offenders who are released, and the parole release process may be corrupt and excessively political in a few instances. Stanley also asserts that the parole officer cannot adequately supervise parolees, that justice is not done in parole revocation procedures, and that the parole system is not necessarily cost effective. He asserts that these problems can be alleviated if attention is paid to administrative functions and procedural protection regarding inmate discipline, if community programs for inmates are expanded, and if parole supervision and revocation are eliminated. This videotape concludes with a question and answer session. Questions address the determinate sentencing movement, the role of the parole officer, and other issues.


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