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Opportunities in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Careers

NCJ Number
J Stinchcomb
Date Published
156 pages
Written for people considering a career in law enforcement or a related area of criminal justice, this volume presents an overview of the field and a discussion of educational requirements, salary opportunities, career advancement, and related topics.
Written by the director of the regional training center for all of Dade County (Fla.), the text emphasizes that a law enforcement career requires a tremendous commitment while offering an outstanding chance to contribute to the quality of life in a community. It also notes that police officers must be crimefighters, counselors, mediators, and friends. Individual sections describe the history and scope of law enforcement; personal requirements; selection and training requirements; and the roles of patrol officers, traffic officers, criminal investigators, and members of county units and sheriff's departments. Opportunities in the State police and highway patrol, other regulatory units, military services, and Federal agencies are also discussed. A further section discusses related careers in corrections and rehabilitation, crime laboratories, private security, and support jobs. Descriptions of national associations, figures, tables, charts, and appended reading lists and titles of jobs in corrections

Sale Source
VGM Career Horizons

4255 West Touhy Avenue, Lincolnwood, IL 60646, United States

Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance)
United States of America