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Operating Jail Industries: A Resource Manual

NCJ Number
G E Sexton; R Miller; V J Jacobsen
Date Published
285 pages
Primarily designed to assist program operators to improve operations and solve problems in jail industries, this resource manual provides comprehensive information, checklists, and resource suggestions.
A chapter on developing and improving a jail industry describes current practices in the jail-industries field based on a survey of the managers of 18 successful jail industry programs. A list of resources for developing or improving a jail industry program is provided. A chapter on legislative, legal, and professional issues discusses the statutes, regulations, and court rulings with which jail industries must comply. Voluntary professional standards relevant to the operation of a jail industry are also discussed. The chapter concludes with a systematic risk management approach designed to ensure that the industry operates within legal and professional boundaries. Three chapters focus on various features of industry management: the need to balance security and ongoing jail programs with the requirements of the jail industry, management of the inmate work force, and business management. Another chapter discusses how seven areas of industrial operations apply to the jail setting including shipping and receiving, materials management, production scheduling, quality control, and health and safety. Remaining chapters discuss evaluation and monitoring of the industry program, policies and procedures used by one jail industry, and business management plans for two industry programs. Appended supplementary materials at the end of each chapter