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Ontario Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, 1988-1989

NCJ Number
Date Published
52 pages
This report presents data on cases handled by the Ontario Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (Canada) from April 1, 1988, to March 31, 1989.
The Ontario Compensation for Victims of Crime Act currently provides that compensation for victims of violent crimes may be paid up to specified maximums. In the case of lump sum payments, up to $25,000 maximum is allowed. In the case of periodic payments, up to $1,000 per month is permitted. Based on evidence presented to the Compensation Board, the board determines whether an award shall be given and the amount of an award. In this report, a table shows the percentage of applications considered for each of 12 categories of violent crime over the report period. A comparative summary of total applications and award amounts are provided for the current and three previous fiscal years. A consolidated summary of awards for the report period shows the total monthly award amounts and a breakdown of the award amounts by months according to medical expenses, loss of earnings, pecuniary loss to relatives of deceased victims, pain and suffering, funeral expenses, other pecuniary loss, legal fees, and lump sum and monthly awards. The case files are presented for each type of offense. The case files describe the offenses, case outcomes, victim losses, and board dispositions.


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