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One State's Success With Unit Management

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 53 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1991) Pages: 24,26,28,30
T A Pierson
Date Published
4 pages
Historical background is presented to facilitate understanding of Missouri's decision to implement unit management in its correctional system.
Budget constraints led to some compromises on the ideal unit management system as outlined in 1973 such as a modification of staffing patterns. Benefits to Missouri's unit management system include: improved security due to closer interaction with inmates; a lessening of the traditional rivalry between custody and treatment approaches; the creation of new career ladders for security and non-custody personnel which serve to decrease staff turnover and to promote interest in further training; and more time for top management to be involved in long-range planning efforts. In Missouri, the implementation of the rational and systemized unit management approach has proved beneficial to staff and inmates. 4 references