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One Hundred One Support Group Activities for Teenagers Recovering from Chemical Dependence

NCJ Number
Martin Fleming
Date Published
184 pages
This book is a collection of activities for young people recovering from chemical dependence. The objectives are help to young people maintain abstinence from mind altering chemicals and give them the tools necessary to build a healthy and lasting program of recovery.
This book is a tool for experienced support group leaders offering support for young people recovering from chemical dependence. The activities in the book are easily adaptable to a variety of settings: aftercare programs, therapy sessions, treatment centers, and youth groups. The activities are divided into nine categories: (1) group development activities assist in the development of a cohesive and productive group; (2) self-exploration activities help group members understand who they are, what they want, and what they need to change; (3) family relations activities help students understand the emotional dynamics in their family; (4) preventing a relapse activities assist group members to understand the dynamics of relapse and what they can do to help themselves; (5) support systems activities introduce group members to community resources for additional help and support; (6) goals and decisions activities offer motivation and tools for action based insight gained by students; (7) coping with stress activities teach recognition and management of stress; (8) coping with peer pressure activities assist group members in learning how to deal with peer pressure constructively; and (9) group challenge activities empower group members to work together as a team. Provided within each activity is an outline of the goals and a brief description of the activity. Appendices and resources