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One Box: Driver and Vehicle Data Management System Criteria

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2012
134 pages
This report presents the standards for the development and implementation of the One Box Driver and Vehicle Data Management System (DVDMS) in Great Britain, which contains data on vehicle and driver telematics (computer and electronic technology) used in emergency vehicles.
Traditionally, emergency service agencies operate a large number and range of vehicles. These are mostly regular production vehicles that have been retrofitted with an array of telematics appropriate for the tasks performed by the vehicle and its driver. The DVDMS is a data management system for vehicle and driver telematics. Its aim is to ensure the standardization of the approach for providing telematics for police vehicles, and it is a management tool that can improve safe and efficient driving standards for officers who drive the vehicles and perform tasks within the vehicle. In addition, carefully designed criteria for vehicle and driver telematics is likely to improve cost efficiencies across the police services and improve driver behavior. The DVDMS criteria define a concept and the functional and performance requirements for an advanced driver and vehicle fleet management system that is designed by and for emergency services. It is recommended that when choosing fleet management or event data recording systems that emergency service fleet managers and procurement personnel purchase systems that comply with the criteria presented in this publication. General requirements specified in one major section of the criteria pertain to bundled services, upgradeable and reusable equipment, open standards, quality assurance, national procedures for the operation of DVDMS, audits, human-machine interface within the DVDMS, and legislative requirements. Other major sections of the criteria address in-vehicle components and use requirements, DVDMS operation, data requirements, the driver, management procedures, and DVDMS compliance procedure and evaluation. 23 figures, 3 tables, and a list of references mentioned in the text