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Once Upon a Crime - Prevention Design in the Corporate Environment

NCJ Number
F D'Addario
Date Published
32 pages
This report presents a crime prevention model developed by Jerrico, Inc., operator and franchisor of 1,400 Long John Silver's restaurants.
Development of a data base of all known criminal losses was the first step in creating the model: crimes against the corporation including arson, larceny, and robbery were reviewed and categorized by method of operation. The data review indicated the seasonality of armed robbery (most occurred in December, then March and November). The review also provided information on 'who' and 'how'. For example, 98 percent of the armed robbers were male, and 56 percent were alone. The various types of robberies which occurred between 1979 and 1981 were categorized by order of frequency, beginning with courier robberies at 6 percent and ending with walk-ins at 31 percent. Based on knowledge gained in data analysis, policies were developed for dealing with each type of robbery, and restaurant personnel were trained in these policies for approximately 3 hours of each week-long management training session. During the first year, the robbery rate was reduced by 23 percent. Further, purchases of silent alarms, cameras, and time delay safes for the company's volatile Houston market reduced total losses there by 79 percent. Because robbers are creatures of habit, the need to train employees to assist law enforcement agencies by reporting suspicious events and taking descriptions is highlighted. Finally, three elements for successful crime prevention design are identified: good data, executive management support, and a productive relationship with law enforcement. Sixteen notes are included.