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Once Is Enough: "Arresting" New York State's Drunk Driving Recidivism: A Report to the Legislature With Analysis and Recommendations

NCJ Number
Date Published
212 pages
This report discusses punishment options and the approaches of New York State and other States to deal with the critical problem of drunk driving recidivism.
New York State laws authorize a wide variety of responses upon conviction for alcohol-related driving offenses including license suspension, civil penalties, education, treatment, probation supervision, and jail time. Countermeasures include the Special Traffic Options Program for Driving While Intoxicated and the Drinking Driver Program. The successful apprehension of intoxicated drivers has created the need to develop new supervision programs. Several innovative alternatives to incarceration have been developed. The Legislative Commission on Critical Transportation Choices proposes several recommendations for changes in State law based on its analysis of the drunk driving recidivism problem. 611 footnotes and 9 tables