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Ohio's Justice System for Serious Juvenile Offenders Implications of Am H B 440

NCJ Number
D Hamparian; J M Davis
Date Published
23 pages
This booklet describes graphically the Ohio juvenile courts and the corrections process faced by a juvenile charged with a serious offense.
It begins with an explanation of new legislation (H.B. 440) in the Ohio Revised Code which has significantly altered Ohio law governing the control and treatment of delinquents and unruly offenders. The legislation prohibits the commitment of status and misdemeanant offenders to State juvenile corrections institutions and emphasizes control of serious juvenile offenders through new procedures and practices for dealing with youths involved in serious offenses. A series of charts show how a juvenile charged with a felony would be handled by various segments of the Ohio juvenile justice system under the amended code. The processing steps include court procedure, dispositions, Department of Youth Services, and aftercare/revocation. Consequences of the new law will have to be assessed from practice. Among the implications to be studied are the effects of minimum sentencing upon charging and plea bargaining, changes in the number and nature of commitments to State institutions, the altered relationship of the courts and the Department of Youth Services, the integration of aftercare planning with institutional programming, and the numbers of revocation hearings that return youths to institutions. Charts and a glossary are provided.

Sponsoring Agency
Cleveland Foundation

700 National City Bank Building, Cleveland, OH 44114, United States

Corporate Author
Federation for Community Planning

1001 Huron Road, Cleveland, OH 44115, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

United States of America