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Ohio Public Defender Commission - Annual Report, 1979

NCJ Number
Date Published
24 pages
This fiscal 1979 annual report represents a brief history of the Ohio Public Defender Commission, a discussion of the success of the program to date, and a look ahead.
The formation and structure of the Commission are described, and the primary purpose of the Commission is stated to be the providing of competent and effective counsel for persons unable to afford a private attorney. Addresses and brief biographies are provided for the nine members of the Commission and the public defender. The Commission's defense and investigative functions are briefly described, followed by a description of the Commission's financial management. Figures are provided on the funding history of the Commission from fiscal 1976-81. The State policy and procedure for reimbursing counties for public defender offices (out of 88 counties), as well as the locations of prisons and State hospitals for the criminally insane. The official roster of county and joint county public defenders lists their names, addresses, and phone numbers. Defense subsidy payments for assigned counsel and the public defender are shown by county for fiscal 1977-79. State reimbursement to the counties for criminal costs is shown for fiscal 1977-79. A graph shows the overall increase of the State public defender caseload from 1977-78 and as projected through the first quarter of 1979.