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Ohio Industries and Education - A Vital TIE (Training, Industries, and Education)

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Dated: (June 1987) Pages: 32-34
J McGlone; J Mayer
Date Published
3 pages
The Ohio Plan for Productive Prisons provides inmates basic education; productive work programs; and a tie between training, institutional jobs, and education. The plan involves assessment and portfolio, counseling and guidance, placements, and prerelease and postrelease programs.
Plan objectives are to reduce inmate idleness, make all prison jobs meaningful, and instill positive work attitudes. The assessment involves the administration of an appropriate level of the Test of Adult Basic Education. Those who score high on this test are given the U.S. Labor Department's General Aptitude Test Battery and Interest Inventory. An employment portfolio includes pertinent civilian and institutional education, training, and work experience. Inmates receive periodic career counseling by the unit management team and periodic work evaluation and guidance by work supervisors and teachers. Inmates are placed in one of five job clusters, including high tech fields, trades, and service areas. The prerelease program continues the job readiness curriculum augmented with community linkages and job placement.