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Office for Victims of Crime: FY 1998 Discretionary Program Application Kit

NCJ Number
Date Published
92 pages
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Discretionary Program Application Kit for fiscal year 1998 is provided to promote comprehensive services for crime victims.
OVC programs offer essential information and services to victims, as well as training and technical assistance to victim advocates and diverse professionals, and they are funded by the Crime Victims Fund. Competitive solicitations in the fiscal year 1998 kit reflect OVC's goal of assisting crime victims at the community level. The kit describes OVC's competitive discretionary grant programs and contains the necessary information and guidance for preparing and submitting an application for OVC discretionary program awards. Section I of the kit contains solicitations for competitive programs, Section II presents general application requirements and includes required application forms, Section III explains how to submit a concept paper for consideration in fiscal year 1999, and Section IV contains application instructions for Federal agencies.