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Offender Needs Assessment

NCJ Number
C B Clements
Date Published
95 pages
This book presents basic principles for offender needs assessment and classification, describes various classification systems, and profiles classification instruments.
A review of the development of objective systems of offender needs assessment and classification is followed by design and quality principles essential for effective offender needs assessment. A chapter reports on the results of a recent survey of 52 directors of classification in the Federal prison system to determine assessment practices on 10 dimensions: health, mental health, drug abuse, intellectual/adaptive capacities, academic education, vocational aptitude and interests, job skills, social skills, relationships, and victimization potential. The selected classification models reviewed are the National Institute of Corrections model and variations used in Kentucky, Wisconsin, Washington State, and Oklahoma as well as in the Federal prison system. Special problems in classifying the female offender are noted, and recommendations are offered. Innovations in inmate management are reviewed, as are professional ethics bearing upon offender classification. Samples of classification instruments are appended. 81 references.


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