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Observations From the Pilot Sentencing Institute for the Fifth and Eleventh Circuits

NCJ Number
FJC Directions Issue: 1 Dated: (April 1991) Pages: 3-10
B S Meierhoefer
Date Published
8 pages
A sentencing institute held in September 1990 used panel discussions of sentencing issues and small-group discussions of specific cases to consider plea bargaining, the probation investigation and presentence report, sentencing guidelines, correctional treatment, and related issues.
The 178 participants included district and circuit judges from the 5th and 11th Circuits, probation officers, and Federal officials. The pilot institute was the first held since the 1984 elimination of indeterminate sentencing and the initiation of mandatory minimum sentences and sentencing guidelines. The institute was held to determine whether such forums were useful in an era of greatly reduced judicial discretion. The 164 participants who returned evaluation questionnaires believed that sentencing institutes should be continued or continued with modifications. The most successful sessions were the small-group discussions of sentencing in illustrative cases. Results also showed that the institute identified many important issues that need to be addressed to improve sentencing procedures and that excessive disparity continues to be a problem under the sentencing guidelines.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Program Description (Demonstrative)
United States of America