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OAS (Organization of American States) Negotiations (From Multilateral Negotiation and Mediation, P 17-31, 1985, Arthur S Lall, ed. - See NCJ-100837)

NCJ Number
J L Z Coronado
Date Published
15 pages
This paper describes the structure and agreements administered by the Organization of American States (OAS) to facilitate negotiation and mediation in resolving conflicts among member states.
The OAS charter advocates the peaceful resolution of international disputes through negotiation and mediation. Negotiation involves only the disputing parties, but the OAS can provide input for such negotiations and provide a forum for third-party mediation when negotiations fail. The Pact of Bogota defines mediation, and its procedures have been used on many occasions. OAS instruments used to influence negotiations and mediation have been the Inter-American Peace Committee, which could act to assist in resolving conflict with the consent of the disputants; the Inter-American Committee on Peaceful Settlement, the successor to the aforementioned committee; and the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The latter body meets to deliberate on conflicts between member states and enact resolutions designed to provide a constructive framework for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. The Rio Treaty provides for the intervention of the inter-American system to address international conflicts under the treaty's jurisdiction.