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NSW (New South Wales) Child Sexual Assault (CSA) Program (From National Conference on Child Abuse, P 223-233, 1987, Ron Snashall, ed. -- See NCJ-106579)

NCJ Number
H L'Orange
Date Published
11 pages
This outline summarizes the services offered by the program in New South Wales for dealing with child sexual assault and lists the law reforms on this issue that took effect in 1986.
The program was established in 1985, most recommendations of a task force were implemented. Services include health services, education of both children and adults, and community services. A statewide training program exists. Law reforms provide for closed hearings, mandatory reporting by professionals, testimony by spouses if the authorities want it, pretrial diversion for some offenders, a broadened definition of child sexual abuse, and changes in rules regarding admissibility of evidence. The Child Protection Council has members representing the police, prosecutors, corrections staff, educators, child welfare personnel, health care providers, and the public. Table showing funding, address of Child Protection Council, and chart showing the 65 recommendations of the task force.