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North Shore Anti-Crime Program - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
The North Shore Anti-Crime Program (New York City), which included such activities as a senior escort service, community self-help groups, and the creation of curricula to facilitate intergenerational communication in classroom settings, has shown its value over 33 months of operation.
Goals of the program were to mobilize residents into self-help groups that would reduce opportunities for crime; involve neighborhood groups in alleviating conditions that breed crime; reduce the fear of crime for community members by increasing mutual aid and neighboring; integrate age groups to work together for neighborhood safety; and promote communication and cooperation between residents and criminal justice officials. Program components examined were (1) a tenants' patrol of the Mariner's Harbor Housing Project, (2) a senior escort service, (3) the organization of community self-help groups to address residents' fear of crime and environmental factors facilitating crime, (4) intergenerational curricula, (5) intergenerational community workshops, (6) victim assistance, (7) merchant crime prevention and victim assistance, (8) community education, and (9) the coordination of efforts with other crime prevention agencies. Each component is examined in the areas of the goals and objectives of the initial and continuation grants; a summary of major activities, tasks, and services performed; and problems encountered. Overall, the value of the crime prevention program is documented, and recommendations for improving a number of the programs are offered. Materials printed for the program are listed.