The paper examines current estimates of nonfatal workplace violence, the results of previous research, and potential sources of data to fill gaps in information. Data on groups at high risk for nonfatal violence are needed to set a national research and regulatory agenda. Preliminary research indicates that the dynamics of nonfatal assaults may differ greatly from those of fatal assaults. These differences may arise from varying distributions of instrumental and expressive violence. The identification of workplace characteristics that may signal increased risk of victimization need to be considered in conjunction with variability in work practices across industries. Potential sources of data on workplace violence include the National Crime Victims Survey, National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, and police and court records. 2 tables and 37 references
Nonfatal Violence in the Work Place: Directions for Future Research (From Trends, Risks, and Interventions in Lethal Violence: Proceedings of the Third Annual Spring Symposium of the Homicide Research Working Group, P 225-235, 1995, Carolyn Block and Richard Block, eds.)
NCJ Number
Date Published
11 pages
This paper identifies future directions for research into workplace violence.