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NIJ Research Portfolio 1999, 4th Edition

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2000
79 pages
This report describes all ongoing research, evaluation, and program development activities supported by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) through September 30, 1998.
Each project in this Portfolio is part of NIJ's overall strategic plan to respond to the Nation's critical criminal justice concerns. The projects include only currently active intramural research conducted by NIJ staff and currently active extramural research conducted through grants, interagency and cooperative agreements, contracts, and fellowships. The Portfolio lists projects alphabetically by title within 15 main categories and several subcategories that reflect NIJ's administrative structure. The 15 categories are corrections, courts, crime prevention, drugs and crime, information dissemination and general support, international crime, policing, public housing and crime, schools, sentencing, system analysis and evaluation, technology development, victimization and victim services, violence, and youth. Subcategories within each of these 15 main topic areas include extramural research (awards made to organizations and researchers not affiliated with NIJ); intramural research (projects conducted by NIJ staff); and research applications contract projects (projects that focus on the dissemination of critical research findings and important innovations in criminal justice practices). For each project the information provided includes project title, grantee, contact person, grant or contract number, and a brief description of the project. An index permits the location of a project by research topic.