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NIJ (National Institute of Justice) AIDS Clearinghouse Helps You Respond to the AIDS Challenge

NCJ Number
Date Published
3 pages
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) AIDS Clearinghouse is the only centralized source of information about how AIDS affects criminal justice professionals and their work.
The clearinghouse distributes the most recent information on AIDS developed by NIJ, the Centers for Disease Control, and other agencies of the U.S. Public Health Service and the Department of Justice. The clearinghouse also disseminates AIDS materials prepared by professional associations, State and local governments, and corrections and police agencies across the country. An information specialist with a broad knowledge of AIDS issues serves clearinghouse clients by answering questions, making referrals, and suggesting publications pertaining to AIDS and criminal justice. Another feature of the clearinghouse is a bulletin series which provides nontechnical summaries of important information on AIDS and related criminal justice policies. This report lists AIDS-related materials for criminal justice professionals.