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NFPA 1991 Standard on Vapor-Protective Ensembles for Hazardous Materials Emergencies, 2000 Edition

NCJ Number
Date Published
49 pages
This document sets the standard for minimum design, performance, certification, and documentation requirements, and test methods for vapor-protective ensembles and individual elements for chemical vapor protection.
The purpose of the standard shall be to establish a minimum level of protection for emergency services personnel against adverse vapor, liquid-splash, and particulate environments during hazardous materials emergency incidents. The document contains definitions of associated terms, including biological agents, chemical-protective layer, and primary materials. Manufacturers of the vapor-protective ensembles shall not claim compliance with the requirements unless the products are certified to the standard. Recertification shall occur every year. Permeation and penetration resistance testing shall be performed against the following chemicals: carbon disulfide, dichloromethane, diethylamine, methanol, and tetrahydrofuran. Sample labels are provided. Vapor-protection ensembles shall be designed to protect the wearer's torso, head, arms, legs, hands, and feet, and shall completely enclose the wearer. Ensembles should not allow penetration of any water; it shall allow wearer to complete all tasks, see through the visor with a visual acuity of 20/35 or better, and shall permit the test subject to remove and reinsert their hand into the glove system. The ensemble can meet optional liquefied gas protection requirements if it prevents ammonia, butadiene, chlorine, ethylene oxide, hydrogen chloride, and methyl chloride from permeating for 15 minutes. The ensemble is tested with abrasion procedures, flexural fatigue procedures for gloves and footwear, fatigue procedures for suit closure assemblies, embrittlement procedures, and dry environment conditioning procedures. It is tested for ventilation, flammability resistance, exhaust valve mounting strength test, and thermal protective performance. Appendices, index


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