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Newgate for Women - An Evaluation of a Community Corrections Program for Women Offenders

NCJ Number
M Sadacca
Date Published
72 pages
This report provides a summary and analysis of data on Project Newgate for Women, a Minnesota residential community corrections program for women offenders.
The evaluation focused on the following two goals of the project: (1) to have at least 50 percent of the clients involved in or complete either GED, at least one quarter or semester of college, an on-the-job training program, or a vocational training program; and (2) to have at least 75 percent of the clients not be convicted of a new felony within 1 year after release from the project. The data show that the project is achieving its stated goals and is having a positive impact on many of its clients. None of the Newgate clients who terminated residence by December 31, 1976, recidivated while in residence at Newgate. Recidivism of Newgate clients in the 6-month at-risk period and in the 12-month at-risk period was lower than the recidivism of clients from the other residential programs examined. In total recidivism dispositions, there were only small differences between the Newgate clients and clients from the other residential programs during the 6- and 12-month postresidence periods. In both the 6-month and 12-month postresidence periods, the Newgate program had a lower proportion of clients recidivating with serious dispositions. Data are presented on program completion; education, vocational training, and employment; economic changes; client flow; and cost analysis. Tabular data are provided. (Author summary modified)