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New York State Temporary Commission To Recodify the Family Court Act - Third Annual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
114 pages
During 1980-81, the New York commission studied adult proceedings in support and paternity cases under the Family Court Act and proposed voluntary foster care placement and review proceedings in family court.
The study of support determinations was based on a sampling of county practices and was done to illuminate the problems encountered by the bench, the bar, and others involved. The research paper on support presents alternative models in use elsewhere or which have been proposed. The other paper included in this report considers paternity issues, with particular emphasis on the question of the family court's jurisdiction over paternity as a status determination and the relationship between paternity and support. The commission determined that there is a compelling need for closer judicial review of foster care placements and developed a proposal altering the present statutory scheme for voluntary placement and review proceedings. Memoranda are appended, and footnotes accompany the separate research papers.