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New York State Police - Annual Report, 1977

NCJ Number
Date Published
44 pages
The activities, accomplishments, and statistical data of the New York State Police for 1977 are presented.
During 1977, State police arrests rose 6.1 percent to 597,199, compared to 562,631 recorded in 1976. The total number of offenses known or reported increased by 46,214 to 696,140, a jump of 7.1 percent in 1 year. Accident investigations dropped from 51,036 to 49,009. Increased enforcement of the 55-mph driving limit saw speeding arrests spiral to an all-time high of 299,169, eclipsing the previous year's high record of 277,467. Fatal accidents investigated during 1977 declined by 38 to 454. The report presents annual highlights; activities of the uniformed force, including the highway patrol; drug traffic data; information on training for recruit troopers; and personnel statistics. Photographs and data tables supplement the text. (Author abstract modified)