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New York State Felony Processing Preliminary Report: Indictment Through Disposition January-June 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
This report summarizes statistics on felony processing in New York State during the period between January and June 1992.
There were over 97,500 felony arrests in New York State during the reporting period, a decrease of 3 percent from the same period in 1991. Felony drug arrests fell by 4 percent while non-drug felony arrests fell by 2 percent. In terms of felony indictments, there were 37,556 during the reporting period, a decline of 1 percent from 1991; felony drug indictments decreased by 5 percent. Convictions resulting from all felony indictments fell by 2 percent from the previous year, while felony drug convictions fell by 3 percent. State prison sentences for all convicted felons dropped 7 percent in the first 6 months of 1992, while State prison sentences for drug convictions fell by 8 percent.