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New York State Criminal Justice Processing 1982, Volume 2 Felony Offenders Disposed in 1982

NCJ Number
T J Harig
Date Published
98 pages
This second of three volumes of a report on the characteristics and criminal justice processing of New York State adult felony arrests disposed in 1982 presents an overview of felony arrest processing and describes characteristics of arrests and offenders disposed.
The overview of felony arrest processing encompasses criminal justice processing outcomes and processing time. The outcomes focus on arrests, prosecution, lower versus upper court processing, convictions, and sentences. Data on arrest characteristics cover year of arrest, offense type and class, attempted offenses, and number of charges at arrest. Information on offender characteristics focuses on offender attributes and offending patterns, as well as single compared to multiple appearances in the cohort. Seven tables and 38 figures are provided. For other volumes in the report, see NCJ 97120 and 97122.