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New Website Provides Facts About Body Armor Standards, Testing and Practical Use

NCJ Number
Techbeat Dated: May/June 2015 Pages: 18-21
Becky Lewis; Kate Poindexter
Date Published
June 2015
4 pages
This article describes a new Website (PoliceArmor.org) that assists law enforcement and corrections officers on how to purchase high-quality, life-saving body armor.

The Website features news and information on body armor that meets the standards set by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). Tips are offered on how to select, purchase, wear, and maintain body armor. NIJ's National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center NLECTC) hosts the site. A special section for chiefs and executives contains information on legislative actions that support mandatory wear policies, warnings about fraudulent claims of NIJ compliance, and a link to an online article for chiefs on ballistic-resistant body armor. The Website also has a video gallery, information on recent law enforcement and corrections personnel encounters in which body-armor saved lives and/or prevented serious injury, and links to information on specifications for body armor for females.