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New Typology of Deviance: Integrating Normative and Reactivist Definitions of Deviance

NCJ Number
Deviant Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal Volume: 23 Issue: 5 Dated: September-October 2001 Pages: 449-479
Alex Heckert; Druann Maria Heckert
Date Published
September 2002
31 pages
Focusing on the concept of positive deviance, this article cross-classifies reactivist and normative definitions of deviance, creating a new typology.
Arguing that issues of positive deviance are scarcely addressed in academic writings, the authors of this article integrate normative and reactivist definitions of deviance in order to more precisely distinguish positive deviance. After discussing well-known, traditional definitions of negative deviance, the authors present various definitions of positive deviance. Arguing that normative expectations and social reactions need to be taken into consideration in order to propose a proper operational typology of deviance, this paper describes the ways that negative deviance, rate-busting, deviance admiration, and positive deviance should be addressed in order to fully consider what is meant by deviant. Concluding that issues of deviance are complex, the authors argue that their new typology for deviance, a blending of reactivist and normative definitions, accommodates its contextual nature and accentuates the role of power in defining deviance. The authors further suggest that using general theories of behavior is superior to using theories of deviant behavior. References


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