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New South Wales (Australia) - Department of Corrective Services - Report, June 30, 1977

NCJ Number
Date Published
120 pages
This annual report for 1977 on the New South Wales Department of Corrective Services (Australia) provides both statistical and narrative information regarding the service's activities.
Efforts of the Royal Commission in working with the Department of Corrective Services are reported, together with legislative amendments made during 1977. Graphs and tables help to chart trends for prison populations, prisoners, sentences, offenses, prisoners' age, and persons under supervision or detention. Services are described that have to do with classification, psychological assistance, medical aid, and the chaplaincy. Operations that took place under the division of physical resources are discussed. A look at general programs covers the services' involvement in prisoner newspapers, life management programs, regional centers, vocational education, scholastic education, and general library services. Discipline and security operations are detailed, together with special programs such as periodic detention, and work release. Probation and parole services, community services, and representative prisoner groups are described. Finally, general adminstration and management changes and efforts are addressed. Statistical appendixes provide information both on miscellaneous aspects of the service and on the prison population (i.e., sentenced and unsentenced populations with regard to numerous variables). Illustrations are also provided.


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