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New Scoring Methods for Violence and New Norms for the Conflict Tactics Scales (From Manual for the Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS), Appendix 2, 1988, Murray A Straus, ed. -- See NCJ-112944)

NCJ Number
M A Straus
Date Published
15 pages
This appendix describes different versions of the Conflict Tacts Scale (CTS), their rationale, and scoring methods and norms.
The three versions of the CTS, forms A, N, and R, differ in respect to the number of items in each scale and the response categories presented to subjects. Form A was administered as a written questionnaire, Form N as an in-person interview, and Form R as part of a telephone interview. The three basic summative scales assess reasoning, verbal aggression, and violence. In addition, alternate scoring methods provide other ways to measure violence, including more sophisticated summative scales, overall and minor and severe violence rates, and violence typologies. A method also is available for recoding respondent-spouse items into husband-wife format. New norms to replace the 1975-1976 norms are presented based on 1985 interviews with 6,002 families. These new norms are based on a much larger sample and include single-parent families and those with children under age 3. The norms include new violence indexes and typologies and gender and age-specific norms. 2 endnotes and 7 tables.


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